Biogas plant and biomethane plant I and II Satuelle

We were responsible for the entire planning, plant construction, gas upgrading and operation of the biogas upgrading plant in 2013 and 2014 until the plant was sold.

Biogas plant and biomethane plant I and II Satuelle

Biogas plant and biomethane plant I and II Satuelle

Technical details:

  • 2 biogas plants with 1400 Nm3/h biogas each

  • Planning, plant construction, biogas-biomethane upgrading and operation (until 2016) by revis bioenergy

  • Processing of approx. 55,000 tons of silage per year

  • Capacity of the silo facility approx. 15,000m2 sufficient for approx. 48,000 t (85% of the annual requirement)

  • Biomass approx. 55,000 tons of renewable raw materials (maize, millet, grass, GPS) from approx. 10 suppliers